You just don't know how much I love you !
Your eyes are all I want to stare at, you lips are the only lips I love to kiss, your smell is all I smell, the symphony of your breath is all I want to sleep and wake up on, you are my past, present and future, you are the best thing I have in my life with all the fights, trouble, misunderstanding, I still need you and want you in my life. You are my lover, my life partner and my soul mate, you are my family, my joy, and the reason I am living. My heart beats with your name, my eyes picture you with every blink, and my nose smells everytime I inhale. You are all I ever wanted ...
Baby elephant
I found those little elephant wrapped in newpaper in the store and my eyes opened up as wide as was my smile. I will get your elephant if you get me 22 velvet black hungry crows :p
Love you always x
in size 42 pleaaaaaase
invasion in starbucks al wasal rd
What do you want from me?
magic worker

A miracle worker! I was invited to dinner with my high school friends last night, i picked up my pale green kandoora from the dry cleaner and hurried home to shower and after look all sharp and slick to found out that my suede shoes were in desperate need of a shine after a couple of recent beach walk scuffs. I tried to get them in for a polish at a nearby shoe repair shop, but i remembered that there is no such place in Dubai and ended up not having enough time to go and look for one. So in a last ditch effort, I checked the Spinneys and came across this Kiwi Select express shine clear sponge. It worked like magic! my wingtips came out brilliantly polished. The process took all of three minutes, and it's cheap. You can get one for 25 DHS. It's already become my new companion in car. I bought a couple for my brothers so they can be ready anytime for anything as the first thing most ladies in the middle east look at is men's shoes and I'll be keeping one in my desk drawer from here on out.
:o lovely he said!
ومن غَلا بَعض الأوادم شَمس جَوّي شارِقة
كم رفيقٍ في حياتي والله ونِعم الرفيقْ
وكم رفيقٍ في حياتي وِدي إني مفارقـهْ
كم رفيقٍ في حياتي ما عرفنا لَه طِريقْ
كلّ يومٍ له مِزاجٍ وله طِريقٍ طارقـهْ
الرِدي لولا رِدي فِعله حِسبْت إنه صِديقْ
لا على وجهه وُسوم ولا عَلامة فارْقـة
ولا على الطيب وسام ولا تظنْ إنه رِفيقْ
لين تشويك اللِيالي والسُمومِ الحَارقـةْ
Matchy matchy
I'm laying in bed tired of how negative I've been the past few months! It have strongly effected my life in many ways. I the way I approach people have changed and my loved ones trying to tightly pull me back to the sunshine! I talk like as if I'm an addict but the truth is that I'm depressed. Its very hard to admit it but its been way over due to talk about it. Last night I had a serious talk over dinner that kept me all night throwing up! my older brother and I talked at dinner about how of a mystery man I've became! Well, at least I'm not buried in secrets. All what's in me is the observation of others. I get highly effected with my surrounding and especially with the ones I love and miss. It seem that my heart is in europe and I can't wait to see it back safe. Love is my backbone if I ruin it I might be paralysed for ever. So what can I do to detach myself? Is it gonna be terminate or will she be safe! I wonder cos those minutes are burning me. I still do talk in mystery but one day I hope to write a book about it.