I <3 satwa

Walking through satwa's doggy alleys somehow reminded me of Venice. There is no where to compare but both have a spirit and authentic taste to it. Satwa is a central zone of small shops, some are characteristically beautiful with loads of wonderful merchandises. I spent two hours taking pics and short films of those shops and alleys with comments of some of the shop owners. I sat down with my moleskin writing and sketching ideas to turn those alleys live! Its already alive with disgusting smells but what if we take the smell and exchange it with shops :D
I personally believe that if EMAAR spent the money of building Dubai mall in rejuvenating the satwa! Can you imagine turning the square of satwa that's running from Al Wasal road across Al Deyafa road turning left through emirates petrol station ending at the Iranian hospital :D

"Freej AL Satwa" could be an iconic place with its treasured history. The place could contain, mini hotels like pixel hotel (www.pixelhotels.at). There also could be an alley of tailors and mini cafeterias. No starbucks (X) only unique shops! A tower like Burj kalifa could've be beautifully placed in the middle of that area. My heart is filled with love to such project. I want the people who built this country to stop modernising Dubai and look on what makes it so special. We are special because we are arab and speak a wonderful language and have blissful cultural. I hope to see such vision coming up with admiration and support.