I want to be a man who can always express his love beyond the "physical", love beyond the body, love of the soul. A man that's dream to always see you happy and full of life. Temptation to be rushed and passionate to belong to an opportunity of beauty! A delicate beauty such as yours, rich in charm and attraction. I want to be everything for you! Your lover, your best friend, your brother, your father, your mother, your family, your pillow to lay on, your sweater to keep you warm. And I want to be the man who stand for honest excellence and which destiny is in your hands, to make happy or either empty and dead of love. I want to be like the sunflower to you as it follows you my sunshine across the sky! A muscular turning yet full of potent loyalty and longevity of pure love. A young love so self obsessed, so often fatal! Grew wild and abundantly in the middle of now where. To me you stand for perfect beauty princess! Absolute truth and purity like a water lily blooms to a love story at night, its perfume spreading across the dark surface of a pond like a deep dream oceanic and intimate
PS, I'll never stop waiting for you!