
Today, it took me off by surprise how much traffic was on my blog last night! I rarely log in my blog because most my post are sent by email. But for some reason I decided too. Over twelve hundred views trafficked by a Kuwaiti lady's blog www.meblogging.com, probably a random post. She read my entire blog and didn't get what it was about. Well, Ms meblogging I would like to assure you that I too don't know what the heck my blog is about. But it defiantly has to do with what's around me.

Curiosity asked me to browse meblogging. I found it enchanting and very approachable in term of design and content. I peculiarly liked the posts about fridays! made me miss my family so terribly. Especially my Rozah.

Now, here is a fact for those who don't know me; Rozah is not my daughter and I'm not married! Well, at least not for the next few years. Rozah is my life and soul and she'll be one whole year on the 1st of Feb. Also another fact, well it's more on a point of view rather then a fact. But I believe out of the middle eastern women, Kuwait has seriously stylish ladies. What I love about kuwaiti people is that they're out spoken, great sense of humour, educated and they really know how to have a good time. Oh and their arabic accent makes me smile :p