22: what makes us good?

Happy birthday 24th Saleh!!

Sublime enchantment

The greatest of them all. A picture which hadn't seen the light of day for 13 years. No one, at least of all the lady who captured it, dared show it. No wonder. It was the most spellbinding thing she had ever made. A spell ever so lustrous evoked. An image before which people had once swooned. An image both beautiful and repulsive. But you see the picture was also a guilt secret, the real reason why her family disowned with shame and despair.
I gazed for days learning the picture dot after dot of ink. What was it which made it both her unforgettable master piece and her unforgivable sin?

Then again whoever said passion would be bloodless! Brooding in the darkness, headless souls searching for an answer, looking for a relief and a saviour. Only those edged lips of her lover is a sign of the repressed emotions. Gone to the dark side, not a gleam of light to flood those headless souls. You feel the tug of the heart. Even as I marvel at her brilliance, my blood runs cold at what it's saying. If you could only look at the dead center of the picture, a pair of sharp scissors, the hard, cold metal that's cut the family ties. I don't know what it is with blades, they once marked her back and now it marked her soul. The first two years of her pain swung widely from mass euphoria to paranoia. Pictures flashes! orgies of public hugging, spasms of vindictive lynching.

Why the anger? I wonder if it was reason of the still hunger. Someone is to blame. Such an odd mix of dogma and uncertainty. Is she a monster! Still I haven't given up on the idea of her as a Queen of royalty. What a pathetic little ingenue, until she met the likes of her, (me) failed lover, artist, dreamer, fanatic. I knew how to play on hysteria like a drum. Yelling with cursed and denounced, ripping off the mask of false patriots whom she once fingered as traitors. "THERE ARE PLOTS EVERYWHERE! Plotters with soulful heads" her days were numbered.

She captured a image meant to for a cult to tell. Its enough that I'm truly unhappy to have the right to her benevolence. My heart is filled with loose feathery strokes of dark indeterminate space. The space of forever.

Even with my mind spellbound, another voice inside my head says, "HOLD ON A MINUTE, this is the purest witchcraft." What she has captured in this image is to glorify a paranoid, whose greatest satisfaction was the persecution of thousands of pure souls whose only crime was to be lukewarm about love!
Why do I love her? Well, I don't. She's a monster. But she makes ideas blaze in dry ice. She is a fantastic plotter, no one better. Other could just as well roll over and die. And what was the point of it all you ask me? Well, its a revenge on wit, on chat and banter. But to me it was more then that. This is a capture designed to make those who saw it virtuous lovers. And its all so perfect, so tragic, so poetic you almost believe her. But like a lot of plotters, always scheme to "improve" humanity! It has the opposite effect. Because its a lie.

The Hare with the Amber Eyes

Layer upon layer

Watch this video! LEARN how pearls are made. Nothing screams lady like a set of beautiful pearls.

understand why it's worth the buy and try to avoid plastics or dyed pearls even if it was stamped "designer".

I'm one of those guys who believe in the power of the electromatic waves of precious stones. The universe works in a mysterious way.

And I always tell my friends to be careful from arab ladies when they wear pearls!!! the colour of their skin tone vs pearl's reflection of light is an equal to CRAZY MAGIC! and i mean the gooood kinda magic.

or maybe because it's my birthstone I go crazy! Don't know,but need to ask.

Moza's beautiful creation


17 years old my wonderful brother!

24th of march is Ali and I missed his birthday! Oh but I think 27th is saleh's birthday??? Yup it is... What a great brother I am.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALI AND SALEH! I'm broke this month so I'll make sure you guys save for my birthday LOL

I have the best brothers and sisters on this planet! El7emdellah lik ya rab.

Blue for Painkilling ain't for love making!
Last time I saw my baby in london :( AAA5 walla galby ma ya9ber 3anha! Rozah Abdulla Beljafla.

22: Latifa AlShamsi, sweet words and an expensive taste. Showered with "TDF" brands (I looked up TDF on google! we live & learn LOL!).

On my way back home I went through her posts and kept wondering... YIKES! what's the statement? beautifully RICH.

I breath Art and Design! and fashion is no strange from that. Majoring in branding I adore the magical influences of labels.

Reading blogs has always been an amusement sensation, inspiring hub and surprisingly a mood lifter. 

‏​​‏​​‏​‏​‏​‏​‏​‏​أغرب اسم مسجد في العالم مسجد "كأنني أكلت"

هل سمع أحد بمثل هذا الاسم الغريب ؟
هو جامع صغير في منطقة 'فاتح' في اسطنبول واسم الجامع باللغة التركية هو ' صانكي يدم ' أي كأنني أكلت
ووراء هذا الاسم الغريب قصــة ... وفيها عبرة كبيرة .
في كتابه الشيق'روائع من التاريخ العثماني ' كتب الأستاذ الفاضل 'أورخان محمد علي' .. قصة هذا الجامع .. فيقول أنه :
كان يعيش في منطقة '
فاتح' شخص وَرِع اسمه خير الدين أفندي، كان صاحبنا هذا عندما يمشي في السوق ، وتتوق نفسه
لشراء فاكهة ، 'أو لحم ، أو حلوى ، يقول في نفسه : ' صانكي يدم'
.. يعني كأنني أكلت' أو 'افترض أنني أكلت'!! ... ثم يضع ثمن ذلك الطعـام في صندوق له ..... ومضت الأشهر والسنوات
... وهو يكف نفسه عن لذائذ الأكل .... ويكتفي بما يقيم أوده فقط ، وكانت النقود تزداد في صندوقه شيئا فشيئا ، حتى
استطاع بهذا المبلغ القيام ببناء مسجد صغير في محلته ، ولما كان أهل المحلة يعرفون قصة هذا الشخص الوَرِع الفقيــــر،
وكيف استطاع أن يبني هذا المسجد , أطلقوا على الجامع اسم جامع : صانكي يدم
' كأنني أكلت
هذا المسجد مجرد أربعة حوائط ومأذنتين ...و مع ذلك لم يترك المسلمون الصلاة فيه .. هذا المسجد الصغير ذو الحشائش
الخضراء اكتظ بهم لدرجة أن بعضهم يصلي خارجة ..

أترككم مع الصور فهي أكثر تعبيرا عنه...

At Central Saint Gailes

The joy of colour

yohji yamamoto at the V&A

Too shorts! Kinda like wearing boxers :s

Stars on my pants


My wonderful friend got my baby a pink dress :D

Blur those eyes, motion drives.

my baby brothers! not baby anymore, only a glance back we were beating someone at school

Take your stress away, Its time to unwind!


Imbued with deep frustration, rendered in the pitch of darkness. I lost my heart, to a lost hope, to lost cause! That befogged my dreams with hunting daggers. No grace nor sunshine will upon a forlorn grounds.

Yet here I stood not knowing the lost cause, but for being lost in solitude of morbidity. I must admit those days!!!!!!!! Those days when moon so sweet, when cheat is discreet and life was such a treat!

A sense of something suffused the place. A breath of death exhaling my lungs, is it true that gone is past but went is old. Was it those glittered and tormented memories desperate for absolution, or perhaps the Master of your pride teasing me on whether they be of stone or living flesh?

I was drawn to Love as it enticingly opened in passage for me. Wrath led to no path. As I approached, those tarnished pavements came into view. Standing high with graceful pride tilting eyes that don't know lies. In answer, I steadied my shivering sole and racing mind to wonder of that last thing, lost thing. And in doing so, I found myself waking from a cramped dream.

Here are my late, grin and bear it.

Sweet sugar puffs
Milo meets Rozah


Makes me happy to see my baby in the morning! Happiest man alive..... That's me.

maggie cheung

Tomas Maier: It grew out of appreciation.