Ali and salem! My younger brothers. The past 3months has been truly a bliss. I didn't only spent time with my brothers but I got new friends in them. I've learnt so much and I'm still learning! Ali is only 16 mashalla and I felt he was older then me with his manners. As us arabs would say: "thajeal bagadrah" full of well manners and good meaning. I talk to them and they reply back to me with proverbs and poems. It runs in the genes yet I'm still waiting to be a fluent in speak as the rest of my beloved family.
I've stayed up late to stuff the whole house with notes and postits for my family :) I always do that so they'll start crying when I leave (finger crossed lol). My family are not big on emotions as I am that's why you got to pinch them to feel :p I looooooooooooove you family and so proud of every single one of you especially baby Rozah <3