إني لأفرح بالعزيز إذا سأل ،،ويسرقلبي إن أرسل أواتصل ...
ويزيد أنسي إن سمعت حديثه ،،كالدر يجري إن تتابعت الجمل ...
وأظل أذكر رائعات حروفه ،،مهما تفارقنا وطال بنا الأجل ...
هذي أحاديث المحبة بيننا ،،ويخونني التعبير في باقي الجمل ...

House party?

Putting the Bed time story to bed! Enough heartache for few days.

"I need my space!" He said. "Why do you need to apart from me when I'm your life?" She said with tears in her eyes.

Why and what's with the space those days? Everyone asks for space? Are you the big that you take much space or is my face suffocate you? I guess they're my kisses! Sucks all the air from within you. Need some space to organise I do understand. A girl got to have more shoes but that doesn't mean you kick you other half for another yard!

Women are crazy! Throw stones at them x


Good morning 6pm

Soaking my feet in the swimming pool and think what talents do I have? Am I talented? Well I know I'm a hard worker other wise I wouldn't be where I am. talent is most of it, but its not all of it. Raw talent gives you opportunity, but it is hard work and practice that enable you to seize that opportunity. So if ever in doubt about yourself just know that hard work pays off at the end! I'm off to swim x

{احفظوها بتنفعكم }

رافق رفيق لى تضايقت يشفيك ..
ولاتنفع الرفقه على غيرفزعات ..
ولاالردي عند اللوازم يخليك ..
لا نافعن نفسه ولامنه نفعات ..
رافق أصيلن في زمانك يداريك ..
إن شاف غلطاتك عن الناس غطاك ..

She puts ugly to shame!

Guess the clues?

A tie of four black ribbons, a sealed lips and a mysterious email ending up with: "PS, Berlin awaits!".

Love crazy nuts!

A pair of vintage cheetah loafer! Never thought my grandpa was that stylish :p I'm taking them to change the sole and the inside as well. Is there any place you recommend in dubai?

Reading my cards

For an old change that was never exchanged. Righteous you've never been!

From a frail pen flows this trickle of thoughts, not to be heard but seen, but what can be seen of change, for we ourselves are the ones who change, that which we have done does not change, but we change to do, what we want to do. Our change is at the mercy of every one else, like a love I thought I had understood, from familiarity rose contempt and from contempt rose understanding. Understanding gave rise to change... So, change the line, change the meaning, change the rhyme, change the outcome, change the plan, change the man! change your going, stay awhile, change your future, STAY BE MINE!

Do not just long for a change, know how to accept it! Nothing is permanent except the change. So, it is well advised. Plan actions accordingly, Execute distinctively and wait as it has to come. Some resist it as if change is quite harmful! As things were, they wish them to remain. Their flawed values of rank and class distinction are things that they do fight hard to retain. Do not be afraid! Change in perspective will transform a bleak, dark room to a place of resting. A change in perspective will turn a meadow of flowers to a plot of weeds. A "new" in perspective is all anyone needs. It is inevitable I truly believe! Fear of change hinders us as a society. Conservative in their ways and in their thinking, they do not embrace change in any way. fear of change makes us imoble and unable to accept new! Progression is change, isn't that good?

How many do you have?

Every happy couple has at least one breakup behind them.

May god bring you safe and well from your Meca.

Ali and salem! My younger brothers. The past 3months has been truly a bliss. I didn't only spent time with my brothers but I got new friends in them. I've learnt so much and I'm still learning! Ali is only 16 mashalla and I felt he was older then me with his manners. As us arabs would say: "thajeal bagadrah" full of well manners and good meaning. I talk to them and they reply back to me with proverbs and poems. It runs in the genes yet I'm still waiting to be a fluent in speak as the rest of my beloved family.

I've stayed up late to stuff the whole house with notes and postits for my family :) I always do that so they'll start crying when I leave (finger crossed lol). My family are not big on emotions as I am that's why you got to pinch them to feel :p I looooooooooooove you family and so proud of every single one of you especially baby Rozah <3

lOvalY :p

R33M & SA33D

Lunch at R33's

I don't know how I'm gonna leave her for 6month :( baby rozah I LOVE YOU

to my family

It began when i was a little foetus, striving for perfection even though I'm not! the pride was sent down to me not by my parents but my forefathers the Beljafla's who fought for my survival but not my revelation of a pride so humble yet poised. Still behind the facade of our big egos we constantly do hide. From life we have been learning from before we learned to crawl, The thing we refer to as pride not easily understood! A little pride is necessary but too much pride not good as it can lead to big egos and snobbish self conceit. Pride can be a sin, that keeps you locked within, keep your head up high and will not ask why! You step on those below, step on up to the show!! A truly humble person is one you don't often meet but the self opinionated and self conceited never known to be rare. A little pride is necessary and self esteem okay, but too much pride can lead to arrogance and that seems sad to say. My pride speaks for me and it obliviates those who underestimate it as it is possessed by me and me only.

This pride is my pride and my pride is my love!

Bad sugarbox

What a gentleman ought to look like.

Scary friday!

You love to live, I live to love!

Even if I don't ask about you, I know how you're doing! My heart tells me about your doings. So dreamy and cream felt like to touch. Moist hands, are you nervous lady? I don't eat, I admire. She asks: how do you admire gentleman? Well, at first I steel your heart, after I know its mine I keep it locked. Its a curse I inherited from my grandfather. A reason you're warned before! Touching fire hurts, play with it thrills. You thrill baby! Remember us at album, walking down kings. Sipping soup, tugged into one another. So hopeful that winter was. Sudden death and you flew. Goodbye mistress.