
Mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all...

Artistry from the mind with a breath of life from the soul, a thousand thoughts and possibilities to make each creation whole. The need to share what I felt when I gave the canvas life, for each piece is a feeling I never have twice.
My best friend forever :p
تبيض الدجاجة بيضة1رخيصة الثمن فتملأ الدنيا صراخ
وتضع السمكة آلاف من بيض الكافيار غالى الثمن وهى صامتة

دع انجازاتك تتحدث عنك،او بيض وانت ساكت

My Wild Peach

I love how you see me with a different eye! My feelings for you will not go forever unseen as to be hidden away like a forgotten dream. Never knew as I cloud my eyes, a fall of tears can not demise. I vow forever to keep you apprised with no spoken lies or broken ties. like the streaking gleam of the moon you excite, whispers of hope in your sight. Ever so beautiful those nights we recite. Our steps are printed, like your words are brightly tinted. Brighten my day with every smile! with you I'm like a happy dog on the beach, if I had the power of speech I would tell you I love you like wild peach!!!!
